Website revamp offer for BFFF Members
Good day and welcome to The Rutland Webdesigner.
My team, Harry and l have been working hard over the past few months to give The British Frozen Food Federation an amazing new platform online.
The new site has some amazing features and functions that l am sure you will start using over the coming weeks and months.
The most important part of our journey was making the siteĀ responsiveĀ for mobiles and tablets. This basically means so the structure of the site changes shape to ensure it displays correctly on different screen sizes.
The old BFFF website was a good example of how a non responsive site can become unusable in today’s mobile led generation.
FACT: More that 70% on internet browsing is now done on a mobile.
When did you last check what your website looks like on a mobile? And is there room for improvement?
Working on the site we have noticed that many of you have very outdated sites that don’t display well on mobiles, if at all!
For that reason we are offering a 20% discount on all website for members of BFFF.
So if you are interested in a FREE, no obligation quote please get in touch by giving us a call or sending us an email by pressing here.